Hi Mauricio, Many thanks for posting your keyboard routines! ..Gregg PS: Love that Slo[WWW]enia logo! ********************************************** At 12:55 PM 9/10/96 -0400, you wrote: >SendTo: piclist@mitvma.mit.edu > >Hello! > >Wow... I was practically bombed with requests about my AT keyboard >routines. Anyway, I just want to say that this 'famous' code is now >available at my home page. The url is www.arne.si/~mauricio. > >Sorry for the dalay, but I had much work to do other than setting up >my improvised homepage. > >I hope you'll find that code usefull. Please let me know if you encunter >any problems using it (incompatibility or whatever), so that I can >correct it for my applications also. > >Enjoy, > >mauricio > >email: mauricio@arne.si > mauricio.culibrk@snet.fer.uni-lj.si > >http: www.arne.si > www.arne.si/~mauricio > >