Hello there I have a Picstart 16C programmer board, and an application for which I would like to use a 16C84 PIC. It seems from the documentation that I have that the programmer will not normally do this. I'm trying to get this little project up & running with little (/no!) cost. From looking at the data sheets, it seems like the serial programming modes of the 16C7xx and the 16C84, at least, are pretty similar. My query: does anyone have information as to whether I could hack the Picstart programmer, and/or write my own software to drive it, in order to program the 16C84? I'm very comfortable with C etc., and capable of doing the work, but don't want to try to work out the serial protocol of the programmer if I find out that it's not possible for some reason. If making some sort of HW adapter board for the PIC is needed, that's no problem either. thanks for any info regards jon Nicoll