forgot to add this to the job advert I posted earlier... it's my addition to the Personnel-Dept-written ad I posted yesterday. If the following apply to you, let us know. . You're a proficient software engineer - years and years of professional experience aren't necessary, approach and ability are more important - but you should be able to write real time software for 8-bit microcontrollers. Experience with PICs and Microchip's dev. kit is an advantage. . You want to work in a department where you'd really make a d ifference working on a completely new project. . You want to develop a volume application using PICs . You like real time systems involving multiple processors and serial comms standards such as Canbus - experience with canbus an advantage, but not a necessity. . Like to work with a mix of new technologies . Have original thought and good diagnostic capability . Know a thing or two about microcontrollers and digital electronics - again, approach and ability outweigh experience - a general interest in current digital technology (available micros, serial c omms standards etc) helps. . You fancy a change of job and wouldn't mind working in the midlands. We're looking for someone with the necessary skills to help develop a real time application based on PIC 16c63s, for a volume manufacture product. We are looking for someone who has the ability to learn all aspects of the software (we're looking for potential as much as experience so you don't need to know it all already). Its an excellent project, with a very good team of engineers. ------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies for posting twice, but I thought the 'official' ad a little dry. If you're interested, mail Dave Lakin at, phone numbers/address at the bottom of this mail. regards, - Andy. ************************************************************* Andrew David Senior Project Engineer - Software Ultronics Division Ultra Hydraulics Ltd. Anson Business Park Cheltenham Road East Staverton Glos. GL2 9QN Tel.: (01452) 858376 (Direct) Ultronics Fax.: (01452) 858377 *************************************************************