I've been trying to convince NASA here to use PICs, and it looks like I've got my chance. We need a very low power drain system that basically runs several very long duration count down timers and can display three lines of data. I seem to remember a discussion of LCD's not too long ago. Does anyone have a PIC board with an attached LCD? Three lines of 12 characters would do it. Can anyone pass along information on the power draw of any LCD displays? (Monochrome, 3 lines of 16 characters) I'm trying to keep total current drain under 10 ma, figuring no more than 4 ma for the PIC. How big of an LCD display could we power? Any pointers to web sites? TIA, Wynn Rostek WB4ZUY@amsat.org wynn.rostek@ksc.nasa.gov war@nasa2.ksc.nasa.gov war@palmnet.net Wynn Rostek war@palmnet.net wynn@pitcairn.ksc.nasa.gov wynn.rostek@ksc.nasa.gov Other Email addresses available if you really need 'em...