At 11:58 AM 9/2/96 RSA, you wrote: >i'd like to connect a UPS to my PC .... .... Now here's a related question: Do you need to assign an IRQ to the port that the UPS connection is made to? I have an APC "Back-UPS 400", which is meant to interface to a serial port's handshaking pins. Of course, very few PCs have a functional serial port to spare, since the only availablr interupts are generally in use by a modem and a mouse. I recall that someone at APC telling me that their "Power Chute" monitoring S/W doesn't need the port's interrupt enabled ... I guess in such a case the monitor S/W would poll the handshaking pins periodically: makes sense. However, at a show earlier this year, I asked the same question to a couple of techies at an APC booth, and they claimed the IRQ was required. No answer when I asked just what you should do if you didn;t have any IRQ's to spare. Does anyone have the straight scoop on this? Many thanks, ....Gregg