Richard Rosenheim wrote: > > I've have made a prototype stepper motor circuit using the design > provided in the Basic Stamp app notes utilizing the ULN2003. > ... > Now, I would like expand the concept to be able to drive five (or > even six) stepper motors off of a single processor. I however, don't > ... Hi Richard, you could use serial shift registers with parallel outputs (74LS595) to control x times 8 lines. They can be cascaded, so you need only three port pins (clock, data, latch). You have no indefinit states as the new information is latched at the same time on all parallel output lines. Six stepper motors = 24 drivers = 3 times 74LS595 Wolfram -- +------------------------------------------------+ ! Wolfram Liebchen, Forschungsinstitut fŸr Optik ! ! ! +------------------------------------------------+