Hi Salvador, I don't know if you mean 7 to save & retrieve or 7 just to save, so here is what I use on an 16C84. It is 7 for save & retrieve. Obviously SaveW & SaveS are two registers that are not used for anything else. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;on going into the interrupt Interrupt ;interrupt every 2mSec movwf SaveW ;Location to save W swapf Status,W ;move Status to W - not affecting flags movwf SaveS ;Location to save Status ; exit interrupt swapf SaveS,W ;get back Status movwf Status swapf SaveW ;swap digits in SaveW (No Status effect) Swapf SaveW,W ;and get back to W (No Status effect) retfie ;return from interrupt (Set GIE to 1) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheers Dennis ____________________________________________________ FROST - Electronic Design, Manufacture & Consulting. Dennis Frost Tel: +27 331 965125 Cel: +83 2275216 Email: dennis.frost@pixie.co.za Pietermaritzburg, South Africa ____________________________________________________ ----------------snip--------------------- > 1) Anybody knows a short way to save the W and STATUS regs in the interrupt > routine (short means less than 7 instruction, that's the length of my actual > code to do this)? > 2) I saw the code generated by the mplabc from Microchip but this code doesn't > save anything, Why?, Isn't very dangerous? I'm overlooking some special > feacture of the PICs? ----------------snip---------------------