Hi everybody: I'm developing an anti-fire/anti-asalt alarm with a 16C62, I have a question about the IRQs on the PICs: 1) Anybody knows a short way to save the W and STATUS regs in the interrupt routine (short means less than 7 instruction, that's the length of my actual code to do this)? 2) I saw the code generated by the mplabc from Microchip but this code doesn't save anything, Why?, Isn't very dangerous? I'm overlooking some special feacture of the PICs? TIA SET. ******************************************************************************** Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET) - salvador@inti.edu.ar Work: INTI (National Institute of Industrial Technology) Sector: ICE (Electronic Control & Instrumentation) Post (Home): Curapaligue 2124 - Caseros (1678)- Buenos Aires - Argentina