Philip: Measure continuity with an ohm meter. You will probably discover that you have two windings. If so, this is a two-phase bipolar motor. If all four wires are interconnected, this is a three-phase unipolar motor. In the latter case, find the common wire (the one with the same DC resistance each of the remaining three). If it's bipolar, you need two H bridor each winding. Now use the four bits to drive each winding forward or reverse polarity. If it's three-phase, connect common to +12V and ground the three coils one at a time like this: 0001 0010 0100 and repeat. You can experiment with phase switching sequences by hand. Get a bunch of clip leads and wire up the motor for each phase pattern one at a time. When you energized each new phase pattern, the motor should "clunk" and advance a little bit. - Mark Sullivan -