>I am seeking a simple expedient path to a "VoicePort" audio digital >sampler to RS-232 port driver. Parameters for this device and John, when dealing with telephone audio a simple method of data compression is frequently used: CVSD (Continuous Variable Slope Delta). I've seen CVSD chips (called CODECs) used in PBXs and other telephony equipment - the resulting audio quality is comparable to what Ma Bell delivers. CVSD works as is follows: A continuous single 8-16Khz digital bit stream is used to represent the audio data. The Encoder keeps track of previous audio samples and only indicates if the new sample is higher or lower than the last (0 vs 1) by a step size (delta threshold). If the audio samples moves faster than the bit rate can keep up with, a series of 3 zeros or ones will be sent and the Encoder will increase the step size for the next sample (the Decoder will do likewise). Hence, CVSD is a Continuous, Variably Sloped, Delta system. This method increases the digitization noise for high slew rate signals (upper frequencies) but lowers it for the lower frequencies. Since the frequency response of your typical phone system is 300-3300hz, but voices contain most of their energy below 1.5Khz, the tradeoff works well. CVSD enCOers/DECoders (CODECs) used to be readily available. However, you can easily implement such an approach in PIC firmware! Think of it: Acceptable telephone audio quality for 8Kbps instad of 8Ksps. This translates into a data rate compression ratio of (roughly) 8:1. Even if you have to go to 16Kbps to give good results you still save plenty of bandwidth. I tried to find CVSD CODECs in my IC Master and library, but PCM now seems to dominate. There was one from Plessy (MA367) but I don't have a datasheet for it. I wanted to confirm that the data rate was in the 8-16Kbps range as its been over 10 years that I dealt with this technology (in the Prodigy PBX from Ericsson). Hope this helps. Regards, Dana Frank Raymond dfr@icom.ca