I am seeking a simple expedient path to a "VoicePort" audio digital sampler to RS-232 port driver. Parameters for this device and complementary receiver of reverse process are: Telephone handset Audio into A/D converter sampling 8-bit bytes at 22,050 sample rate with serial data fed to UART(16550) outputting 57,600 bit rate to MAX-232 RS-232 driver. Also needed is the reverse process for RS-232 data RX to D/A to decoded audio from a SEPARATE port. I would prefer standalone hardware for dedicated function without the usual bulk of programming and debugging associated with 57k port speeds to keep UNBROKEN STREAM OF DIGI-AUDIO DATA FLOW IN REAL TIME. Basic Device Layout: TX AUDIO-->ADC0831------->16550------->MAX232--------------->RS-232--> (A/D conv.) (UART) (Level Shifter) RX AUDIO<--DAC0808<--74HC154<--16550<------MAX232<-----RS-232--< (D/A conv.) (ser/par) (UART) (Level Shifter) (convert) I am reasonably sure about this design, but not experienced at how to program/initialize the 16550 UARTs. Perhaps init/config data can be loaded thru a parallel port buffered into the UART. This design was chosen to avoid lengthy programming of any CPU's because these VoicePorts are a mere FUNCTIONAL expediency to demo voice thru RS-232 . Also, if there is a more timely design to accomplish the objective, I would be open to consider it. The above design is not mandatory. I considered a PIC 16C74 with A/D and serial I/O with drawbacks of extra hardware and interface for 8-bit D/A reverse process and extra load of programming. Tried to link PC soundcard Record & Play A/D-D/A functions to RS-232, but 57,600 port speed precludes anything but custom Visual C++ pgrm to pipe .wav streamed I/O thru Win32 API (Win95 platform). Does anyone have a better notion, preferably in specific chipset readily available? TIA, -John sirejohn@bbs-la.com