Harrison Cooper wrote: > > OK, I have a project that I am looking at, that would be > easier if I used a membrane keypad. This is a small > production setup, say 50 per year, with several differnet > configurations. Anyone have experiance with any of the > membrance keypad folks? What I really want is a master > keypad with all configurations, and then perhaps 4 or 5 > different overlays for the different configurations. I have > to justify the cost of doing this, vs the old method of a > set of toggle switches and thumbwheel switches, both in > reliabity and mfg cost of all the point to point wiring. > > Comments anyone? You may reply to me directly at hcooper@es.com > > thanks R.S.COMPONENTS (Mail-Order, outlets all over the place) FORMAT PRODUCT NUMBER 4 X 1 130-381 4 X 3 130-397 4 X 4 130-404 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ken Parkyn PARKYN ELECTRONIC SERVICES 42 Binnalong Street ROCHEDALE SOUTH, Queensland, 4123 Australia Phone:617-3841-5135 email:K.Parkyn@sct.gu.edu.au ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~