>I too had a similar problem that was board related. I thought I had fried >the chip but found out that I had a wire that had come off. Big relief but >took lots of time to find. > >Norm > You want big relief? I accidentally plugged an 84 in backwards, into the programmer! So not only were the poor little pic's power lines were reversed, but RB7 had Vpp applied to it. Hmm, the programmer (PIP-02) said programming failed, so I tried it again. And again. Then I found that it was in backwards so I pulled it out to turn it around and it was a wee bit warm. It wouldn't program anymore. (I figured that the RB7 pin circuitry might be blown.) It didn't work for the next few days so I used one of my other 84s. But about a week later, I thought I'd try it once more before I threw it out, and it worked just fine! I guess it just needed a little R&R :) -- * Eddie Maste -- aa529@freenet.durham.org