Bruce Bowling wrote: > Design criterion: simple and cheap over accuracy. > My entry to your "contest" is 2 resistors and a beat up cap If the pulse is constant height (ie output from a gate would do) I would use two resistors and a capacitor and two port bits one as an output and the second as a sense input. I would turn the processor into a high gain "op amp" and do statistics on the number of ones fed back. The system works as a current summer with the Cap whose value is non critical being a low pass filter. The energy in the pulse can easily be measured and since we know the value of Ri,Rf and the pulse height we can easily calculate its width. Should be good to about 10 bits or so. The added advantage is that it will measure asyncronous pulses. Rf | ---- \/\/ ---| Port bit out Ri | | Pulse In ----- \/\/\ ------| | | | |-------------| Port bit in | | Cap === | | --- - I have used similar systems for very low cost A/D systems where I can trade time for accuracy. 10..12 bits are possible with only two critcal resistors. Walter Banks Byte Craft Limited (519) 888-6911