Kalle, Response to your various questions: 1) On a system reset, MPLAB is deallocating and reallocation the space required for RAM, ROM and any other storage necessary for a part. System reset is used to change processors. 2) Since MPASM, MPC, and MPLABC do not support more than one file per compile, at the moment MPLAB does NOT support multiple files in a project. The easiest thing to do if you have a multiple file project is to create a "holder" file and include all of the other files in that one. 3) I do not have an immediate response to the sim problem, but keep an eye out for the released version 3.10 it may fix the problem. 4) Your wishes are my command! We cannot fix the scroll-bar problem right away. However, the EEPROM window already supports an ASCII mode, check in the system button for the item entitled "ASCII Display". Also, the "WindowNext" function is currently mapped to "Ctrl-F6". You can change this to "Ctrl-Tab" in the Key Mappings under Options->Key Mappings. Pete ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: MPLAB-SIM 3.09.03 cryptic Author: Kalle Pihlajasaari at Internet_Exchange Date: 7/27/96 10:44 PM Hi All, A few questions, puzzles and observations. The new 3.09 project saves your window layout Yay! The System reset still takes forever and does not give you an hourglass (you have to keep looking at the status line) what is it doing? The tracking between the single step and the listing file does not seem to work at all, it keeps trying to track the asm file and the rest go west. How is one supposed to chaneg the working file in a multi file project, The thing keeps wanting to offer me the first file I started with even though I have taken it out of the project. It tries to single step the WRONG asm file and resists opening the correct listing file (shake head). Is the MPASM 1.4000 supposed to be installed over the MPASM 1.3 that is bundled with the MPLAB 3.09 ? Here is a MSLAB-SIM BUG / PUZZLER program as follows: A simple minimal program that does nothing. On the simulator I cannot get the data in the special function or RAM displays to change for PORT B PORT A works and the op codes appear correctly in the listing. Whats going on? Hardware sees pins as inputs correctly. ===== cut ===== list P=16c84, r=HEX include "p16c84.inc" __FUSES _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _HS_OSC org 0x000 r_vect movlw 0x00 movwf PCLATH goto start org 0x004 i_vect clrf INTCON retfie start bsf STATUS, RP0 movlw 0x0ff ; pins all in movwf TRISB & 0x07f bcf STATUS, RP0 movlw 0x0ff ; set pins hi movwf PORTB stuck goto stuck end ===== cut ===== MPLAB WISH LIST : Make the scroll bars go away from the data windows if they are not required. Add ASCII view to the EEPROM area as this is often data. Ctrl-Tab to cycle through the windows. Thats all that comes to mind now that have not changed since version 3.01 Cheers -- Kalle Pihlajasaari kalle@data.co.za Interface Products Box 15775, Doornfontein, 2028, South Africa +27 (11) 402-7750 Fax: +27 (11) 402-7751