Hello, Copy the file named "bwcc.dll" from your MPLAB directory to the c:\windows and c:\windows\system directories. Also, it is a good idea to do a search for "bwcc.dll" on your hard drive and then replace those files with the newer "bwcc.dll" from the mplab directory. This DLL file is a Borland Custom Control file. It is a later version than what is on your computer. So when MPLAB does a function call to "bwcc.dll", the function on the old rev in your windows directory is not their. Hence, no window pops up. Respectfully, Rick Evans, Microchip ---------- From: Rogerio Odriozola Belden[SMTP:rodriozo@NEWMAX.DATAFLUX.COM.MX] Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 1996 7:04 AM To: Multiple recipients of list PICLIST Subject: Re: MPLAB New Project problem I am running the same version but have had no problem with the new project dialog box. I downloaded it from Microchips web page. Maybe its another one of those .DLL problems? Rogerio At 06:48 PM 22/07/96 -0700, you wrote: >I've been trying to get MPLAB 3.09.03 running but I can't seem to get the >new project dialog box to open. I have recently downloaded the two disk >version of MPLAB and reinstalled it (after uninstalling the old version). >Still, the same problem occurs, selecting Project>New produces nothing more >than a nice fresh blank grey space. No dialog box, no title change. Has >anyone else suffered the same problem? Is there something else I should be >doing? > >bryan@wllink.com > >