On Tue, 23 Jul 1996, Andrew Warren wrote: > Make sure that your 17C42 is configured for "EC" (External Clock) > oscillator mode... The "XT" mode is only guaranteed to work down to > 1 MHz. > > -Andy Thanks also to John Knechtel for his similar suggestion. It is indeed the reason for the problem. I'm cheating by using the unprogrammed 17C42 OTP chip ( much cheaper ) for the design, and this is initially in XT mode. Thanks for your help. Cheers. J.W. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Johnnie Walker MSc Digital Systems Engineering Heriot-Watt University email: ceejbcw@cee.hw.ac.uk ceejbw@pp.hw.ac.uk ceejbw@torduff.hw.ac.uk www: http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~ceejbcw tel: (0131) 343 2864 -----------------------------------------------------------------