Really like what you write after your name (the other one). Rogerio At 10:33 AM 23/07/96 +0100, you wrote: >Hi All, > >I am trying to get an Hitachi LM016L LCD module working with a PIC 84, >with no success. I have had the module working with a STAMP, and I >understand everything I need to do to setup and use the module, but it >just ain't workin'. > >I am using PORTA <0:3> for the LCD data port (connected to the MSB of >the LCD data pins), and PORTB <4:6> for E, RS and R/^W. Obviously I am >attempting to initialise the module for 4 bit operation. My question >is: am I likely to have problems with PORT A, and should I stick >everything on PORT B? > >This is a simple problem, I just need reassurance to keep trying. > >Andy (the other one) >Lancaster, UK > >