>I want to use one of the portb pins for a touch >switch (human finger provides a high resistance path from the port >pin to a ground terminal I believe the pullups are modelled as a sloppy (non-linear) constant current source, not as a resistance. This aside, the biggest problem with the idea is that there is no proection from ESD (Electro Static Discharge). Unless the user is going to touch a grounding surface before actuation you run the *very high* risk of zapping your input pin. Its probably best to insolate the input with a FET circuit. Protection diodes on the input (with a current limiting resistor), and input pullup & load resistors are also required. One or more capacitors may be needed to prevent pickup or 60hz(50hz) hum as well. One of the cheapest input switches I've used is a tactile dome. Its a small pieces of dome metal, with 4 contact points. When placed over a PCB pattern with mylar tape, it provides a tactile switch with good life and audible & tactile feedback. The cost is something on the order of 0.05USD in hundred quantities. The dome is electrically at ground and it covers the input contact thereby providing complete ESD protection. These switches are usually covered with a printed overlay in the product. Regards, Dana Frank Raymond dfr@icom.ca