Big Argghhh... I *knew* I should have looked into this deeper - strangely enough, the ECG catalog I have doesn't note that it's a JFET, just notes that it is a n-channel FET. Yes, all I wanted to use was a MOSFET. I've got some p-channel MOSFETs as well as high current (ZVN4306) n-channel MOSTFETS on order from Digi-Key, I should have them tomorrow, and I'll post what I find on Thursday. Mark, Thanx for pointing that out. Boy, do I feel dumb :^( Myke >The 2N3819 is a JFET (J for Junction). Instead of an oxide insulator providing >the gate isolation, as in a MOSFET (i.e. 2N7000), it uses a reverse-biased >junction. If you put the wrong polarity on the gate, this junction conducts. I >don't know what a 2N3820 is. > >- Mark Sullivan - > > Do you ever feel like an XT Clone caught in the Pentium Pro Zone?