> Note that,for this bit-at-a-time method to work from 38.4K to 31.25K,you need > to make the host send 38.4K bit characters at a 31.25K/(word size) character > rate since you have no provision to buffer the faster message. This shouldn't > be too hard with a timer interrupt. Actually, this is do-able with the PC's uart. All you need to do is set it for 38,400 bps, MARK parity, TWO stop bits. This will result in a character time of 9.77 bits at 31.25Kbps; while the stop bit will be a little shaved, it will exceed the 0.5-bit-time stop bit most UARTs require and this should usually not pose a problem unless the receiver is using a software async receiver which uses the stop-bit time to do things.