Rich Leggitt wrote: > > [Quoting John Payson:] > > Note that for the packet sizes you're using, there really isn't > > any practical way to use an error-correcting code; most bit errors > > will likely cause framing errors, and ECC's are likely to botch on > > those. > > John, you sure got that right. > .... > UART serial? Not a chance. Data looks just like framing except for > context. Lose the context, and you'll lose the data, and all the > ECCs in the world won't help. Guys: Error-correcting codes actually work BETTER with this sort of error. Assuming that you're performing the low-level communications in software (or that your hardware allows you to deal directly with the incoming signal), you'll have three possibilities for each bit: 1. Correct reception, 2. A binary error (in which a "1" bit is incorrectly read as a "0" or vice-versa, or 3. An "erased" bit (in which you read neither a 0 nor a 1). While a simple (7,4) Hamming code like the one I proposed can correct only one "type-2" error per 7-bit codeword, it can correct TWO "type-3" errors. The reason for this somewhat-unintuitive behavior is that the error-correcting code normally has to do two jobs: It has to both FIND the error and CORRECT it. If your errors are of the "erasure" variety, the "FIND" half of its job is already done. If Neil used a (7,4) Hamming code and interleaved the bits of his 8 code words, he'd be able to properly reconstruct his data even if 28% of his transmission were wiped out by burst noise. -Andy Andrew Warren - Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California