Frank asked: > Is there anyone who have built the MIPI interface (Machine Independent > Parallel Interface) from David Tait and have implemented it on Apple? By Apple I assume you mean the Mac. I seriously doubt whether there is a second MIPI in the world. My MIPI description is on the GNUPIC site (see my WWW page) with a tag supplied by Rick Miller that says "It looks overly complicated." which will sum it up for most people. One good thing that came out of the MIPI discussion on the PICLIST last year was Erik Hermann's MIPP (on my FTP site). The MIPP would be a better bet, but I don't know anyone who has ported it to the Apple Mac. The MIPP was meant to bootstrap a 16C84 based programmer (never came to fruition as far as I know) but will act as a standalone programmer. The ETI programmer by Robin Abbott would be even better. You should try to convince Forest Electronic Developments (Robin's company) to write some Mac software to go with it (see my WWW page for contact details). In fact the July 1995 issue of ETI magazine has a detailed description of the required dialogue between programmer and computer and it should be straightforward to write some simple host software for the Mac. If anyone would like to do that perhaps Robin would be willing to supply all the information required (are you reading this Robin?). I'm inheriting a Mac from a departing colleague in October, maybe I'll see then whether I can produce a simple 16C84 programmer for the Mac, but I'm sure there a lot of people who would make a better job of it than me. David --