On Tue, 25 Jun 1996, DOM ALTAMURO wrote: > Has anyone tried Micromint's PICSTIC? ----snip------- > I would think their programmer could be used > on any board that uses a 16C84 and the compiler > to generate 16C84 assembly. Yes, support is there for 12 bit A/D and Real Time Clock, and updates on the MEL compiler are free plus postage and disk costs. Many new features coming shortly that will greatly enhance compiler. Some follow-ups to previous messages posted. (saves me gathering data) Antti: What, only one application before breakfast now. Must be slowing down. :) Jim: Sorry forgot, Newfound is another Australian Company that supplies PIC related products. My apologies. Web Home page coming soon. I'll post a link from my page when Jim is ready. Rick: The CCS PCM 'C Compiler message post is missing the '.html' at the end of the 'url'. All: The Stamp list is back to normal service. Check your subscription. Don McKenzie donmck@labyrinth.net.au DonTronics Tullamarine, Australia http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~donmck Picosaurus-74. The 40 pin PICBasic with 8 channels of A-D, and real Uart. PIC Basic Compiler. Programmers from $15 US, and Pic-Axe: A New Tool.