> > I am new to the list and I was wondering if anyone has dealt with ITU > Technologies. I saw their ad in this months Circuit Cellar Ink, but would > like to know your personal experience with them. I bought a PIC programmer about 3 months ago (even had to pay the Customs tax since it was an import into the UK! :-( ). Constructing the beastie was no problem - worked first time. I even liked how they wrote out the colour codes for the resistors - saves me trying to remember the (rude) rhyme for "Black, Brown, Red, ... " Once the soldering iron had gone cold, it was on to the software stage. The 3.5" floppy that came with my programmer had a sample program, but it was written in ASPIC assembler (if I remember correct), hence I installed that assembler on my PC only to find that MPASM is (supposedly) "favoured" by most developers, hence I removed ASPIC and installed MPASM. My PC at home is an 'out-the-ark' 40M hard-disk job, with a 5.25" disk drive, hence I had to copy the files here at work across, and since most of the 40M is occupied with games, I did not have the free space to install ASPIC and MPASM simultaneously. Programming the PIC proved to be interesting: it would have been nice if there had been a hex file on the floppy to do the 'flash a LED' program, but all there was was source, in the wrong format. Result: copy the source and hack it until MPASM would swallow it. At last, I got a hex file. Down loading to the PIC is also confusing. Firstly there's a PICERASE command for this 16C84: what does it erase? Then there's a PICCNF (or so) command to set the fuses, including the four ID locations, and a PICPRGEE command to set the code space and a PICDATA command to set the data EEPROM space. As I understand it, the PICERASE is a bulk-erase command: wipes everything. Assuming this program is written in 'C', wouldn't it be nice if there was a final printf which said something like: "All areas (code area, data area and config fuses) ERASED" The PICPRGEE command could also state that it has only programmed the 14-bit wide program area and has not interfered with the other areas (I guess I could have assumed that, on reflection, but at the time you assume the worst, and a wee message being output would just allay those fears). So I spent the first day tinkering with the flashing-lED program and the wee piezo-buzzer tune and programming with the sequence: PICERASE PICPRGEE PICCNFG when all I needed to do was to re-use PICPRGEE. Not very efficient :-( Beyond that, I am really happy with the kit and the code. Chris Sakkas has been very helpful, such that I am in his debt (if you are reading, Chris, hope you are better... someone said you were not well... just hope it wasn't my questions that made you ill ... :-) So now that I'm happy with the 16C84, I need to move on to a bigger chip, with more I/O lines. Already I have tinkered with a wee home-brew alarm system design and with a 30K mpasm source file it all translates into 600 bytes from the 1024 on the 16C84. Efficiency! Anyone want to recommend my next PIC purchase (chip, that is). I guess I will have to buy an EEPROM eraser too. Hope this is of use Mungo