Hello, I've used MPC for a couple projects, and it works fine (but not without a few quirks -- Has anyone experienced incorrect compilations with byte craft's MPC? i.e., the code has compiled without errors but the object code doesn't agree with the source? A few months ago I was looking at C compilers for the PIC and tried MPC 1.56 and 2.07... I didn't think that 1.56 would produce tight enough code for our application (we give our '73s a lot to do) and I had no confidence in 2.07 after it miscompiled a logical AND statement in a do...while loop. I can't find the C code, but the behaviour should be that 'a AND b' would fail if 'a' was 0 (i.e., if the first arg is zero, the test will fail, so don't bother performing the AND). 2.07 compiled this so that if a = 0, the test would evaluate to true rather than false. I also looked at CC5x (despite its name, it supports the 16Cxx family) which produces very tight code, but unlike Byte Craft's compilers, it's difficult to follow the object code. Also, it's not a full implementation of C (it was designed specifically for the pic, hence the C implementation is based upon the pic instruction set) and is limited to 8-bit maths. If I were to use a C compiler for the pic, I'd probably use a byte craft compiler (but not 2.07!!). - Andy. Andy David Software Engineer Ultronics Division, Ultra Hydraulics