G,day again, Thanks to all who gave tips on tapping the crystal oscillator. Tomorrow I shall eat the pudding! Now can anyone help set me straight (if that's possible) on the situation with the built-in UARTS on the PICs. Yes I know there has been a lot of discussion about them but I didn't take any notice until I need to know. I want a 15.2K baud link. Failing this, 57600 or even 38.4K baud. For this application a software UART is out of the question, (Though it can be achieved, it is just not suitable.) Questions: 1) Can the UART in the PIC16C64/65/74 WORK CORRECTLY at these high baud rates? This would require BRGH =1 and isn't this supposed to be bugged? Do any of the devices work as stated? Are there work-arounds? 2) I might even use the 17C4x family. Does anyone know what OBTAINABLE crystal Frequency I should use for 38.4K, 57.6K or 115.2K Baud. All the high baud rates with the usual crystals are really odd-ball. I want to interface it with a PC at standard baud rates. Can any superior intellect enlighten me? Thank-you and Regards, Jim