I while back I posted a question about a simple math problem, that everyone was very helpful in solving. I hope you guys can help me with this one, it is a little harder. I need to solve this equation: sqrt(x^2+y^2)/(x*y) Both x, y, and the answer are all byte(0-255) values. I have compiled a number routines for various math problems (the latest is the sqrt, thanks guys), but not enough to solve this equation. In the equation above, the problem is in the fact that you must add x^2 and y^2, right there you might have a number larger than 16 bits (I am not sure how to handle double word mult and sqrt). I even tried manipulating the equation first to see if I could make it any easier. This is what I came up with: sqrt( (x/y)^2 )/y This is equivalent to the first equation and it does not have the problem with large numbers, instead x/y could be a very small fraction. We don't like floating point :^( . I am not sure what to do. I tried the old lookup table approach, but it would have to be real big (255 by 255) to get any real accuracy. On top of all that I need to keep the whole routine down to bellow 600 cycles. Any suggestions would be a great help. Thanks Zach