On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Martin J. Maney wrote: > On Wed, 12 Jun 1996, Onat Ahmet wrote: > > > So, is there a workaround for this problem? Such as checking > > for the interrupt flag before reading or writing to RB port? > > There's the work-around described in the datasheet (this has been in > there for at least some of the 16Cxx parts for a while): > > "The interrupt on change feature is recommended for wake-up on key > depression operation and operations where PORTB is used only for the > interrupt on change feature. Polling of PORTB is not recommended > while using the interrupt on change feature." > So are you saying that if someone was to use a pin on port B with the interrupt on change, that the rest of the ports pins shouldnt be used for any other application? I don't quite understadn what you meant. Neil Gandler