Been subscribed for a few days now - haven't seen anything for someone just starting out programming PICs - so I thought I'd post a few questions. First, I purchased the PIC Hobbyist Kit from Parallax. Don't know what to think of this. I got a nice board - but the documentation is really poor and the assembler doesn't support macros (at least from what I can see). Is there a better, reasonably priced assembler out there? By reasonable - I paid $100 for the stuff I got from Parallax. Would be nice if I could use the same programer board - just use a 'better' assembler. Is there a good source for a PIC assembler manual? If the source had actual working examples - that would be nice too. The Parallax stuff I got has all its examples for the 16C5x - I purchased the 16C71 to get A/D capability - but these two micros are not compatible from what I can tell (at least the examples I've typed in, assembled, and downloaded don't work). The simulator that I got from Parallax seems ok - but would be intersted in feedback on simulators also. Finally - if someone is using the 16C71 and has a simple program (like blinking an LED) they would email - I would sure appreciate it. I'm trying to get an LED to blink and finding the process humbling. My program is only about 20 lines long - so including it in the email message would also be appreciated. Thank you for your time. --|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| Troy D.F. Nelson | EMAIL --| Coastal Engineering Research Center | Voice 601-634-3568 --| USAE Waterways Experiment Station | FAX 601-634-3151 --|--------------------------------------------------------------------------