Thanks for all the replys. I got about 20 yesterday. Here are some responses. The reason I am making 2 measurements is to eliminate the speed of sound from the equation, as many have suggested. Got many good responses about the temperature idea which made it much easier than I was planning. The article I saw on this had a different configuration of the ultrasonic tips. They used 3 prongs arranged in a equalateral triangle so three paths will be used to get the wind vector. They did this because the four prong configuration creates turbulance along one of the paths if the wind direction is parallel to this path. This turbulance causes errors. I am not looking for a super precise answer, so I am settling with four prongs for easier math. I just want to know if I can go boating or not. I got a few replys about having the electronics in the cottage and using variable frequency pulses for display of wind magnitude, and am rethinking that. I don't want to have to deal with echos on the line, plus frequency displays are pretty expensive. I am looking for some ideas on how to do this. What about PWM? I having had much experience with transmitting data over distances, so I don't know the best way to do this. I need to display the wind magnitude and the direction. Thanks for all the help! P.S. The article is in "Sensors:The Journal of Applied Sensing Technology", May 1996, Vol. 13 No. 5 Donald Frederick Wright Jr. School info: Lawrence Technological University E-mail: DW79208@LTU.EDU Work Info: AVL North America E-mail: DNWRIGHT@AVLNA.COM