Hello, fellow PICers... I've been trying to download MPLAB 3.09.02 from Microchip's WWW site. I 've tried downloading four different times, two different nights. Each time, the download terminates after approximately seven minutes. Seems to be time based, rather than number-of-bytes-downloaded based. Not enough time for me to get the entire file. My question is - Do others have this problem, and if not, what's the fix?? A somewhat related question - Do other people besides me get consistently slow transfer rates?? I average between 100 and 400 bytes/sec from Microchip, whereas I often get 1.4 to 1.7 k from other sites. Perhaps they could do a "mirror" site on the East Coast? And _also_ 8^), I can no longer get at Microchip's BBS via Compuserve. It refers me to ftp to mchipbbs.microchip.com . When I use Netscape or Netcruiser to go there, my browser crashes (I think this is related to the non-existence of such an ftp site.) Ans thoughts?? Enuf for now - thanx for listening 8^) Shel Michaels sbmichaels@aol.com http://members.aol.com/sbmichaels