I have been thinking about doing a little project using some PICs and could use some ideas. I will probably be using 84's and I am getting the PICSTART PLUS on the 6th at the seminar. About the project. Having a cottage up on lake Huron, and owning a boat, a good wind speed indicator and temperature readout is a welcome addition. I saw one in a recent issue of Sensor magazine and thought it would be fun to build one. The unit has no moving parts, but uses ultrasonics to detect wind speed and direction. The unit has four prongs with ultrasonic sensors on top of them. There is a north-south path and a east-west path. I then send out a pulse from the north sensor, and time how long it takes to get to the south sensor. I repeat the process south-north, east-west, west-east. This will give me four times for the sound to travel the same distance. I now will have two vectors which can be added, a north-south vector, and a east-west vector. Then with a little trig., I can get the magnitude of the wind and the direction. I will then send out a variable frequency signal which is the magnitude of the wind (0 pulses/sec is 0 mph to 100 pulses/sec is 100 mph, for example). I was thinking about using a 8 bit number to tell direction, but does anybody have a better idea? Both of these will be displayed on LCD's inside the cottage. I also will monitor temperature with a transistor and will also display this out on a LCD inside the cottage. But the temperature will also activate small heaters which will warm the ultrasonic tips to prevent icing in the winter. I have no idea where to start with some low power heating elements to do this. All the main electronics, PICs, etc., will be inside the cottage so temperature there isn't a problem. If anybody has any ideas, suggestions, or corrections to my design idea, please respond. Thanks in advance! Donald Frederick Wright Jr. School info: Lawrence Technological University E-mail: DW79208@LTU.EDU Work Info: AVL North America E-mail: DNWRIGHT@AVLNA.COM