How do you change the pin values in MPLAB durring a simulation. I am trying to simulate a matrix keypad which externally holds port B pins high. Of course the simulator doesn't know this (without a stimulation file). I have tried the 'modify' window with no luck. I can only change general purpose registers, but not the ports. Another gripe.... The help files where not included in my download. Is this normal? Thanks for any help. --- Daniel Holt DATA: EMAIL FTP HomePage - VOICE: Home - (619) 670-3145 Office - (619) 594-4259 Pager - (619) 624-4964 Cell - (619) 987-0971 Voice Mail Local - 619-229-2244 Ext. 13145 Voice Mail Long Dist. 1800-680-2728 Ext. 13145 7pm-7am Please don't say you couldn't reach me.... :)