Jim Main wrote: > > [Quoting me:] > > The interrupts only work when the PIC is operating in slave mode; > > they don't help you at all when you're using the PIC in master > > mode. > > Ha-Harrr! but the 1994 data book (page 2-456) says that "Master mode > is supported by interrupt generation on the detection of the START > and STOP conditions. > > ..so I thought interrupts might be involved somehow.. Sorry, Jim; my mistake. I forgot about the Start/Stop Detection interrupt flags. They don't strike me as being particularly useful, though... Has anyone on the list ever saved time or trouble using this hardware "support" in a single-Master system? -Andy Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499