First off, yes trading the safety issues with the non-isolated power supply, which is better ? OK, using an AT&T part ATT2406ABI, a 100ohm 15W resistor (caddock) and 4 caps, you get a nice 100mA 5VDC supply, tal king up about 1" x 1.5". Heatsinking the resistor is mandatory. Cost is about $8.00. In my case, I needed to put this and the PIC and ISD all in a single gang outdoor enclosure. Fits quite nicely. The unit is sealed and no-one is going to get zapped. As a safety measure, you could put the 110 L1 thru a switch that is enabled with the cover on, disabled with it off, thus protecting it. Cost for a small 100mA xfrmr is around $5, plus bridge re gulator, caps, etc would put it near $8 range. BUT, small size is what I needed.