Norm, You are correct, this is a bug. Your work-around is the best fix for now: copy and paste to a text file. We've got a lot of new users of the simulator now and we're collecting reports. There are a few items we're going to address once things settle down a little in an interim release that will be posted in the near future. Darrel ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: MPLAB - Trace File Author: Norm Cramer at Internet_Exchange Date: 5/20/96 4:45 PM Has anyone else seen this problem? When tracing execution in the simulator, the expected info appears in the trace memory window. When I export the trace buffer to a file, all of the timing and clock count information is lost. Everything else seems to work correctly. I use the trace facility to verify the critical timing of my application so this is a very important feature for me. I wrote a tool to post process the trace file to test the timing. I have been able to copy the text from the simulator window and paste it into a file. This works but the format of the simulator output has changed so my software needs to be modified (not a big deal). Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks, Norm