> I am searching for an RF transmitter/Receiver IC pair for use >as a low baud rate digital wireless communication link for a home automation >device. Such an ideal IC pair would only require a few external RF Please repost your results?! I'm also trying to figure this stuff out. Like you said, there are many RF model daughter-boards that take RS232 and do the rest, but they are $$$. You'll of course have to research FCC rules. Someone here can restate the FCC rule about power < 1mW (?), where you have unlicenced freedom with several key constraints. DIGIKEY sells several chips in the "garage door" opener category, which send identifying pulse trains. They aren't really intended for data communications, but you might be able to overlay simple messaging if time is not critical. Beyond that, you can do your own simple FSK modulation with either a cheap-o 1200 baud modem chip, or your own PLL/VCO.. If this is for your own prototyping, you can adapt walkie-talkies as your RF mod/demod, and even avoid FCC troubles, and use that 1-chip 1200 modem chip.