On Fri, 17 May 1996, Mr Steve Lawther, Naval Control Systems, NF19 NPL, 2227 wrote: > Mark A.Corio writes:- > >I have been able to get a lot of useful information from web sites but my > >system saves thing I have downloaded in html format and I do not have an > >off-line viewer. Could someone please direct me to a viewer? I use a > >Windows platform. Thanks. > Mark, > Can you not use your web browser as an off-line viewer? Netscape and > spry Mosaic both have a load local file option. Or are you wanting a pure, > cut to the bones html file viewer? Am I missing something ( other than > sanity :-) ) > Steve Netscape 1.0N requires 5 minutes think time before it falls into OFF-line mode. I don't jest!. Netscape 2.0 won't do a 'back' on local disk files, it will do a 'go' then 'back'. I don't know why. Haven't tried Mosaic. I-View and I-Comm do fill the bill for windows. Check my home page for more details. Don... Don McKenzie donmck@labyrinth.net.au DonTronics Tullamarine, Australia http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~donmck PIC Basic Compiler available now. PIC Programmers starting at $15US PicoSaurus, the 40 pin ETI PIC Basic with 8K EEPROM Free Windows Dev Sys