>I am trying to set up the TMR1, on the '74, as a timer with a prescaler of 4 >that will trigger an interrupt on overflow. > >This is what I have setup so far: > > Intcon - GIE =1 ;global int's enabled > the rest=0 > > PIE1 - TMR1IE =1 ;enable TMR1IF interrupt > the rest=0 > > T1CON - TMR1ON=1 ;starts timer > T1CKPS0=0 ;sets prescaler > T1CKPS0=1 ; " " > the rest=0 PEIE needs to be set - as already stated by Andrew Warren TMR1CS needs to be 0 (internal clock) T1OSCEN could be turned off for good measure as well Are you remembering to initialise the TMR1H and TMR1L registers - as well as re-loading them when entering the interrupt service routine? Also, did you clear PIR1 - TMR1IF before you enabled the interrupt for the first time (and does your interrupt service routine clear it again?) I did all that, and mine is quite happily giving me a 2mS interrupt... Jim