I am planning on using a PIC16C5X for a project. The project doesnt require much mathematical computation or the highest speed. It basically will be 1. Controlling and ultrasonic transmitter and receiver and calculate object distance as an ultrasonic rangefinder. 2. Sending simple protocol signals to communicate with an external device. 3. Performing simple logic and using the timer to perform time dependent operations. I am concerned about the limitation of the 5 series. The reason I would like to use the 5 series is that I found a 5 series emulator for about $200. Alot of people told me an emulator would save alot of headaches when debugging and will save alot of time. My main question is, what do the higher end PICs provide? I know I have enough RAM and EPROM for my code and program. 1. Interrupts would be a conveninent features instead of polling, the 5 series doesnt have them. 2. The maximum nested subroutine limit of 2 may cause a problem, not sure yet. If a C compliler compensate for this, then it would be no problem. 3. Some extra independent timers would be a big help. 4. Is it worth using a higher end PIC and just write code with trial and error. Also, would any of you recommend using a C compiler to reduce the time it takes to write code, the only problem is that the emulator requires code in assembly and it may be alot of trouble trying to debug the compiled assembly, than if I wrote the code myself in assembly. Does anyone know where I can get a C compiler for 16C5X series and find some examples? I would appreciate any advice. ______________________________________________________________________________ Neil B. Gandler University at Buffalo Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Masters of Engineering v064mb9k@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~gandler/ (716) 691-3471 Seeking career in Instrumentation and Digital System Design San Jose, California August 1996 http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~gandler/resume.html ______________________________________________________________________________