At 06:21 PM 5/6/96 +1000, you wrote: > >What are you using in your command station? > The command station is currently using a power op-amp made by SGS Thomson, part L165. It is only rated at 3A. I will be switching to a full H bridge using discreet n-chan mosfets and a fet-driver to get more current. The power op-amp might be a good approach for the decoder. The disadvantage for a command station is it needs a bipolar supply. The decoder inherently has a bipolar supply from the rails. The only package information I have is a TO-220 style case. There may be a surface mount power op-amp out there somewhere. It's easy to get the op-amp to do bipolar but a little harder to do PWM. I haven't thought about how to make it do PWM, but it shouldn't be too hard. Regards, Norm