At 16:37 05.05.96 -0400, you wrote: >I believe that E(E)PROM cells can also be erased by soft Xrays. The problem My friend has done taht, well not with PIC (he doesnt own any) but with normal OTP EPROMs from different manufacturers. The hobbyist X-Ray machine he uses has following parameters: Tube Voltage: 100,000V Tube Current: 5mA Distance from Collimmator: 5mm Exposure Time: 20..120 min (in 10 min chunks) As I did understand all brands of OTP (plastic, nonwindowed) EPROM have been succesfuly erased. No harmful sideeffects to devices. Exposure time depends on brand and programming algorithm used. I havent checked out whats about PIC, but I might give some OTP PIC's for "testing" I dont know about the power of the machine being used but I think its WAY over what dentist use. The this X-ray machine was designed to get snapshots in solid concrete up to 8 inches in depth. And it is operating at maximum allowed power. If I get any results on OTP PIC X-erasing I'll post to List. ... The same guy with X-tube also checked beta radiation, but that was really "soft" ie didnt have any erasing effect. Success with X-ray was discovered befor going to gamma rad. Some other people have tried EPROMS and OTP MCU (including PIC) in a nuce reactor, but with bad results. All PIC's where destroyed befor erasure. Only device being erased with radiation was i8751 and the device was slightly damaged. FOLKS: PLEASE PLEASE dont try that at home! alpha,beta,gamma radiation and X-rays _are_ harmful you know! /antti