Ditto from the factory. We try to do as much research into applications as we can to better understand how to configure our products. These application discussions are a wealth of info for us. We are doing visits to companies doing industrial machine/process control now. Rgds, Brian. ______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________ Subject: Re: Model RR and DCC Author: "Mark A. Corio" at Internet_Exchange Date: 4/29/96 1:06 PM Hi all, Prashant suggested moving to a new list to keep from boring the PIC people. I for one, hope you do not. A list that discussed only the technical nature of the PIC parts, without discussions of the applications in which they are used, would be boring. Some may disagree with me but I like the discussions that go into the application areas. This thread is a good example. I could never have predicted some of the application areas that the PIC has gone. Keep the application discussions going.....my 2 cents. Mark A. Corio Rochester MicroSystems, Inc. 200 Buell Road, Suite 9 Rochester, NY 14624 Tel: (716) 328-5850 Fax: (716) 328-1144 e-mail: Mcorio@aol.com ***** Designing Electronics For Research & Industry *****