> > I have also tried the softwindow route and simply gave up and used a PC. Don't > know if you subscibe or not but the last issue of MacUser (came a few days ago) > had an interesting article on the new Macs. Seems they will come complete with > a > parallel port, accept PC style keyboards, etc, etc. Apple claims it will > release > this fall along with other manufacturers. Maybe there is some sort of light at > the > end of the tunnel. > > John Miskimins > Yeah, that's what I did too. Bought an old XT for $75 with monitor. It was perfectly adequate for the previous version of the development system. The current version requires a newer version of DOS, so I have to use a machine at work instead. The XT with its 5.25 floppy only and 10MB hard drive won't hack it anymore. My understanding is that its not the difference between MAC and PC per se that's the problem, it's that Microchip chose to use a non-standard serial protocol, which nevertheless seems to work OK on most PCs but not on MACs. Thanks for the tip. Reg