[ Ok, this is *not* a pure PIC question, but I really need some help...So don't shoot please ...] Dear All, I have a composite video signal (PAL) with *no* sync pulses at all. I would like to build a simple circuit to put the sync back (a sync restorer). Ideally, vertical & horizonal phase (and frequency -- slight changes) would be adjustable. - Can you suggest me any special IC's for that purpose ? (I know about National's LM1882 but it is too complicated for my purpose). I was thinking to use a PIC for that purpose , but this must be an overkill... - Any other suggestions or ideas ? Thank you very much in advance, Argiris A. Kranidiotis -- ____________________________ __________________________________ / /\ / /\ / Argiris A. Kranidiotis _/ /\ / E-mail (InterNet): _/ /\ / University Of Athens / \/ / / \/ / Informatics Department /\ / akra@di.uoa.gr /\ /___________________________/ / /_________________________________/ / \___________________________\/ \_________________________________\/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \