Scott Dattalo wrote: > Here's the code that will do it. > > DIVBY3: CLRF t1 ;Temporary variable to keep track of > ;the sum of digits > a1 MOVF test,W ;Get the test pattern > SKPNZ ;If it is zero, then all bits have > goto a2 ; been shifted out > > ANDLW 3 ;Get the two lsb's > ADDWF t1,F ;Sum of digits (note C=0 after this > ;inst) > RRF test,F ;Get rid of the two lsb's: first one > CLRC ;CYA > RRF test,F ; second one > goto a1 ;See if there are any more bits > > a2 MOVF t1,W ;Get the sum of digits > MOVWF test ;Save in case we have to loop some more > ANDLW 0xfc ;Is the sum >= 4? SKPZ > goto DIVBY3 ;Yes, loop some more > > RRF test,W ;Move b1 to b0 > XORWF test,F ;b0 = b0 ^ b1 > BTFSC test,0 ;If b0 is set then sum of digits is 01b > ;or 10b > RETLW 0 ;Not divisble by three > RETLW 1 ;Sum of digits is either 00b or 11b > ;note that 00b is possible only if test > ;equal zero upon entry. > > Best case execution is 15 cycles, worst case is 71. I don't know the > average. It doesn't beat Andy's original posting in either > performance or code length, but it is a slightly different > implementation. > > Guess we'll have to split a lite Beer, Erik. Scott: Yeah, I guess so, unless someone comes up with an even better way. Here's a faster implementation of the "Erik & Scott" algorithm: DIVBY3: MOVF TEST,W ANDLW 00110011B MOVWF T1 RRF TEST RRF TEST,W ANDLW 00110011B ADDWF T1 SWAPF T1,W ADDWF T1,W ANDLW 00001111B SKPNZ RETLW 1 XORLW 3 SKPNZ RETLW 1 XORLW 6^3 SKPNZ RETLW 1 XORLW 9^6 SKPNZ RETLW 1 XORLW 12^9 SKPNZ RETLW 1 RETLW 0 This code executes in 13-26 cycles, significantly faster than the code I originally posted. I haven't profiled it to see what the average execution time is, or whether that average can be lowered by rearranging the order of the final XORLWs (it probably can). If the above code is rewritten using a table, it takes even less code space AND it executes faster... Only 14 cycles per input: DIVBY3: MOVF TEST,W ANDLW 00110011B MOVWF T1 RRF TEST RRF TEST,W ANDLW 00110011B ADDWF T1 SWAPF T1,W ADDWF T1,W ANDLW 00001111B ADDWF PC RETLW 1 RETLW 0 RETLW 0 RETLW 1 RETLW 0 RETLW 0 RETLW 1 RETLW 0 RETLW 0 RETLW 1 RETLW 0 RETLW 0 RETLW 1 Can anyone do better than THIS? -Andy P.S. The above code was written on-line... I haven't tested it yet, so if you find any errors, please let me know. Andrew Warren - Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California