David Baker wrote: > The best solution would be to stop these spams getting in in the > first place. I remember a while back there was a plan to do > something about it, like only allow subscribed members to post or > have a twit filter or something? > .... > Is there still a plan to fix this one day? I already unsubscribed > once but came back when the list manager said he was going to get it > fixed. Dave: Jory Bell (the list owner) DID try to implement that solution, but there were some undesirable side-effects. Chief among these was that many of the list subscribers (like me, for instance) use ISPs that assign different domain names each time we log on. In my case, the "From:" line in the mail I send is variously set to "fastfwd@ix.netcom.com", "fastfwd@popd.ix.netcom.com", "fastfwd@ix3.ix.netcom.com", "fastfwd@ix14.ix.netcom.com", etc. There's no problem with replying to any of those addresses (usually); Netcom straightens everything out and routes all those replies to me. However, Jory's anti-spam routine worked by comparing the "From:" address to the list of subscribers. Since my Netcom-assigned domain name only matches the address on the subscriber list about 5% of the time, 95% of the messages I sent would be refused by the list server. [Of course, this could actually be a GOOD thing for all of you...] The solution which first came to mind was to subscribe me under all possible domain names that Netcom might assign. This allowed me to post messages to the list, but unfortunately resulted in my receiving 14 copies of every message that anyone else posted. After a couple of days, Jory decided that the anti-spam software was more trouble than it was worth and removed it. For now, the best solution is simply to ignore the spam... After all, it comprises less than 1% of all messages posted here. -Andy Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499