Hi everyone, We ALL have lately received quite a few "hot headed" FLAMING responses (As they say: "faster to flame than to tame...") to SPAM messages to our list, with a vocabulary not so fit for most of us (I won't repeat it here...:-). The PICLIST, as a VERY active mailing list, is very attractive to spam'ers. Well, we all know that. Let's not play into the hands of the spam'ers: I'm sure some of them even enjoy seeing FLAMES bouncing back and forth between list members. I would like to suggest the following: 1) "think before you stink". 2) FLAMING is not a solution unless it's done carefully and wisely. I've seen cases when a "hot-headed" flame to a spam by some thoughtless list member got delivered to hundreds of other list members, which in turn flamed HIM (a really redicoulous situation...). I think the list manager should handle these spam'ers with his ISP, and if this is not possible, JUST IGNORE HIM or at least pay attention to send your flame just to the spam'er. I myself prefer not to flame. Either educate or ignore. that's my 2 cents... regards to all. ............................................................................... Innovative Technologies Telecom, Multimedia and VoiceMail products email: innovative_technologies@actcom.co.il Check our WEB site at: WWW: http://www.israel.net/innovative/ "If you liked it - tell others. If you didn't - tell us!"