Everett Cox wrote: > I am new to the PIC world and am wondering if the 16C54 can handle > time delays of 48 hours, 24 hours, 12 hours and 6 hours depending > on contact closures at inputs, and then do something? Sure, Everett... Take a look at Answer #67 on my web page (in the "PIC16/17 Answers" section) for a QuickBASIC program that'll generate PIC assembly code for precise delays of up to 12 billion cycles. If you don't have Web access, or if you don't have QuickBASIC, let me know and I'll run the program with your parameters. I'll need to know your PIC's clock speed and the length (in instruction cycles) of any code that you want the PIC to execute while doing the various delays. -Andy Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499